We went walking in the bush forest around Lake Joondalup today. It was all very idyllic until the heavens opened and we got drenched! When it rains here it pours!
The Perth Rose of Tralee choice, Orla Neff, was at the club tonight. She was being presented with her prize and best wishes for a good trip by the club manager. Orla Neff is in the centre. We also met last year's Rose, Aisling Reid. You remeber that we had met her in her father's tavern in Hillary's. Sadly, her father passed away a few weeks ago. She toldf me that she thoroughly enjoyed her trip to Tralee and was so pleased that her father had been able to go with her.
Bob, Arun and Rosemary. Rosemary and Val Rosemary, Finn, Adan and Nadine
King's Park is a beautiful place to walk, amongst them carefullt tended trees and shrubs. One of the Pagodas is approached by a pathway .... ... or a river and lakes.
It got a bit rainy this afternoon so we went to King's Park for lunch. KP is clos to the centre of Perth and is on a high hill, giving spectacular views over the city ... ... and the river.
We havn't seen this type before. I don't know what it is. This is the green galah. They fly about a lot and so are difficult to photograph. There are magpies. They are bigger and have more white than ours.
Just for a change, we though we'd visit the cemetary today. It's the most beautiful resting place you could imagine. Firstly there is a lovely lake, with birds and flowers. The headstones are laid flush into the turf and flowers are placed by the visiting relatives. The kangas enjoy the flowers - tasty!