Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Suzuki and Nigel Kennedy in Cork

Life as a musician gets hectic from time to time. The Cork Symphony Orchestra http://www.corksymphonyorchestra.ie/ is currently in the final throes of getting ready to welcome world-famous violinist Nigel Kennedy for a performance on Saturday, November 8th. He will perform three concertos, the Bach Double with our conductor and musical director Keith Pascoe, Mozart D major and the Beethoven violin concerto. He will probably also do some encores. It should be fun. We will have a mad, late-night parthy with him after the concert in the Kingsley Hotel. G and I have booked a room for the night!

In the meantime, this coming Sunday, I will be staging the 35th annual Cork School of Music Suzuki concert in City Hall. We will have about 160 little violinists and 30 cellists as well as 5 viola players, all playing works by many composers including boccherini, Brahms, Schumann and Suzuki himself. It is always a treat.
Here's a shot from last year´s concert.

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